Note from TAM ~ Krista is a terrific book reviewer and a hard-working promoter.
I recommend her services, and I use them myself.
~ Ellen C. Maze, The Author's Mentor
The Crafty Angel
Krista Schwabe Promotional Services
Krista Schwabe
Need publicity for your book? Hire me to make Social Media work for YOU!
I accept both hard copies and eBooks for review (please make sure the document is Nook Color compatible):
Document: EPUB (including Non or Adobe DRM), PDF, XLS, DOC
Graphics (JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP)
Here is what I can
offer you for publicity (FREE)
review on and my book Blog (
Use of the review however you see fit (on your
website, for a future book blurb, etc.) I just ask for proper credit
"Krista Schwabe,"
on As a GoodReads Librarian I can set you up with a FREE account
to reach even more readers!
Promotional Package: Fee of $35 to
Paypal *PER BOOK*, I offer the following:
A link of the review on Twitter, Facebook,
LiveJournal (my accounts)
Review of your Book posted on Amazon, Barnes &
Noble, BooksAMillion (and sites YOU desire, ie SmashWords).
Link of review sent to you and your publisher
(email, Twitter, FB, etc)
Review posted on any of the book clubs I belong to
*Please note* The heart of the review will remain
the same on each site. My review will reflect that this was a product given to
me for review for FTC policy compliance.
On my Book Blog:
Link your review to Amazon for easy ordering to
Link to your website(s) on my Sensational
WordSlinger page (link to this page on my sidebar)
Aid in Setting up a shop for up to 5
cover-art products, slogans, book quotes, etc. (tshirts, coffee mugs, etc). These will be your own designs, and you will
maintain control over your shop after creation.
Should you need simple artwork done, that would be
an additional fee, to be agreed-upon. This can be for anything such as a slogan
on a tshirt, to a web banner. I am able to do minor website work at this time
as well.
promise you to give you an honest, unbiased review, whether or not you choose
the package. That is strictly for promoting your book through my review. I do
not guarantee a "positive" review, but do promise that my reviews
will be fair and if needed, have constructive criticism. I do not "book
bash" --you as an author work too hard and I believe in integrity in my
work. I also assure confidentiality of my clients 100%. No
name-dropping here—unless you want it!
Please submit $35 to VIA PAYPAL.